What's the value of your home?

As you may be aware, the value of your home fluctuates constantly. Simply fill out the information below to get an estimate of how much your home is worth now.

This estimate is based on Freddie Mac's CMHP (Conventional Mortgage Home Price ndex), which only applies to the top 160 metro areas in the United States.

For best results, contact me (Alan@AndrewRealtyGroup.com). I can help with all your home marketing decisions, including determining the best asking price for you home. know the particulars of your neighborhood, the value of homes, and can help you far more than an automated calculator.

Property Address
Enter the information about your property and yourself. We'll start our search with your zip code.

Zip code*

When did you purchase your home?*
How much did you pay for your home?*

First Name*
Last Name*
E-mail Address*
Phone Number

Freddie Mac does not guarantee that FMHPI information is accurate, current or suitable for any particular purpose. Estimates contained in FMHPI are those of Freddie Mac currently and are subject to change without notice.